Merry Christmas to all you weirdos out there.

Merry Christmas to all you weirdos out there.
Sydney University's Faculty of Architecture Design and Planning mid year show
I was just about to start school, Boris the cat is a kitten, Dad looks like a teenager, Mum has a sick haircut, I weirdly recreated a scene from American Beauty way before it was made and we had great rental carpet.
I find it hard to put into words how excited I am about Gold Age Cinema opening up. Sitting in the bar made me feel like I was in the past, present and future. Decades could pass by and I would still be charmed by it's timeless beauty.
Kate Jinx has curated the first season of screenings. I think she is the greatest.
Stills from Strange Talk's clip 'falling in love'. Directed by Costa Vakas, Makeup by Chereine Waddell, shot and lit by Focus Film Lighting.
Some shots from the set for Absorb's most recent fashion film shoot for the History Council of NSW partnered with Vogue Australia. With models from Priscillas, shot and lit by Focus Film Lighting, makeup by Chereine Waddell and Directed by Chiara Bianchino and Costa Vakas. Shot in the dead of night at the State Library of NSW.
The Old Tythe Barn (est. circa 1970) in Blackheath holds some of my strongest childhood memories. Every shelf and surface is covered in minatures, tin toys, antiques and collectables. I am as overwhlemed by the place as when I first stepped in there at age six.
It is open Saturday, Sunday 12.30-5.30pm or by appointment: 47877284 or 47878620. Bring your credit card.
Kacey Devlin's peices have no fastenings or clips. Instead the clothes wrap and layer the body. I wanted to capture the thought she has put into the space of her garments, how they move and interconnect. Kacey "inception, opens a new space where bodies can traverse freely: a space where we are no longer passive consumers, but rather active co-creators of meaning."
Model: Samantha @ priscillas
Hair and Make Up: Casey Gore
Creative Direction: Chiara @ ABSORB
Stylist: Chiara Bianchino
Model: Maddison @ Priscillas
Makeup: Chereine Waddell
Hair: Bec Sun @ Luc Espace
Photography and retouching: Maja Baska
Location: Mint Condition